The body appreciates gentleness.

There is power in noticing, it is in the small details we find the keys to unlock the body.

** Please note: This is a female centered massage practice. I am not currently taking new male clients unless they are referred to me by someone I know or already work with. New female clients only at the moment.

allow it to unfold.

A gentle, intuitive + energetic approach to traditional methods of massage. There is no need to push or force the body, we hold space for the body and allow it to unfold. The sky waters a plant and it blooms. The sun shines on a flower and it opens.

SLow down.

Sometimes the body just needs to slow down and rest to reset. Slowing down allows us to feel, to notice, to become aware. The meditative aspect of massage and simple breath can begin to do their magic and start to unwind the body’s patterns of holding. In this way we can begin to let go, and integrate.

I bring a unique approach to the table with all my past training in yoga, massage, floral design, painting and other forms of art. Massage is art, it is moving meditation, it is breath, it is dance. When we bring cross-disciplinary study and experience with nature into the picture, what we get can be a singular and unique approach, it can be so much more than what we started from.

I work with you to find what the body needs, I don’t come to the work with a pre-conceived notion of exactly what I am going to do to your body to “fix” it or heal it. We all heal ourselves, the body is an amazing self-healing organism, and I hold space for this process. What I do is bring a set of tools with me - my training, experience, knowledge and gifts of perception and vision. I help bring awareness to your body, and I learn from your body what it needs as we work together.

“Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better. ”

— Emile Coue